![Real Madrid News Now, Carlo Ancelotti asks Goalkeepers. [Video] Real Madrid News Now, Carlo Ancelotti asks Goalkeepers. [Video]](http://alrealclub.kora.com/wp-content/themes/real/timthumb/x,qsrc=,halrealclub.kora.com,_wp-content,_uploads,_2014,_03,_1393951458_574421_1393951615_doscolumnas_normal.jpg,ah=99,aw=145.pagespeed.ic.vyn7rXJJL2.jpg)
Real Madrid News Now : It seems that the Italian coach Carlo Ancelotti has tired a lot of questions about the goalkeeping position, Ancelotti explained in more than one interview that Lopez for the league and Casillas for the Cup and the Champions League, but after the derby, there were claims re Casillas starting lineup and here shows a news channel La sexta he asks Ancelotti for Casillas morning today, where he says "good morning, you can come back to the Ecker Center? How do you evaluate performance?" But Ancelotti remained silent and did not answer completely.
Real Madrid News Now
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