The first teammovedtothe residenceinAlvaldabebashours before theSevillegametodaywithin the framework ofthe11roundoftheSpanishleagueattheSantiagoBernabeuStadium..
team returned today to the headquarters of the exercises Valdabebas for
the holding of the first training session in preparation to face
Sevilla in La Liga next Wednesday at the Santiago Bernabeu Stadium ,
today saw the presence of exercises player Alcastia Llorente and also
the absence of Sergio Ramos from the group where he trained in the gym . Ancelotti
has divided the team for two sets , Diego Lopez and Casillas and Thomas and Jesus Be the first group and trained under the leadership of
William Vicki goalkeeping coach , and the second group comprised the
rest of the players, 20 players performed operations of warm-up and
stretch muscles before training saves were divided to
10 players in each hand, Nacho , Carvajal ,coentrao , Khedira , Modric
, Bale , Khisa , Benzema , Cristiano Ronaldo, Murata were together and
the rest of the players in the other group at a time when watched
Ancelotti and his aides evolution players .
Televisionshowed"Quattro"theSpanishphotographsdidnotexposethemaincameraattheCamp NouStadiumyesterdayduringEl ClasicomatchbetweenReal MadridandBarcelona,whichsawarbitralscandals,andtheSpanishchannelisdescribedandpresentedwas afterBarcelona'ssecondgoalwhenCristiano Ronaldowasprotesting against thereferee'sdecisionsOndianoMaienkonighandBarcelona playerBusquetsin the middle ofthefieldandput his hand onhis eyeandismaking fun of thePortuguesewhereCryingaccused,SpanishTVpicked uptheimageinaperfectwayand clear.
And not only that,CristianoRonaldoandwhile coming outof the stadiumhadbeenthemovementofhis right handtowardthe benchreplacementsBarcelona andmeans "steal"referringtotheBarcelonastolethegamethankstothereferee.
NoonRealMadridpresidentFlorentinoPerezmomentsbeforethe masseshuddledinfrontofthehotelin which you resideReal MadridMissionin Cataloniato focusontodayClasico,Presidentof the masses andappearedtogreetand signandpickupsouvenirpictureswiththem.
Real Madridfinishedthe first training sessionin preparation forSaturdayClasicoagainst Barcelona,and participated indrillsallplayerswithoutexceptionandAncelottidivided themintotwogroups,the firstfortheguardsandtrainedwiththecoachandWilliamVickywhilethesecondconductedwarm-upexercisesandthenconductedAncelottimaneuverbetween the two teams.
EndedReal Madridtodayits share oftrainingat the headquarters ofthe exercisesValdabebasprepared to faceJuventuson Wednesdayin the Champions League,the good newsinAlvaldabebaswasthe return ofBasqueXabi Alonsoto be trainednormallywith the group,Xavi,with SergioRamosandBenzemaandcoentraotrainednormallywith the rest oftheir colleagues inAncelottitimewhenhe ledthe team's training, whichwas attended byCasadoandLlorenteofAlcastilla.
Italian coachhassplitthe teamintotwo groups,the first groupincluded10playerswho participatedbasicagainstMalaccaaddtoAlcastiaplayersCasadoandLlorente,whilethe second groupincludedtherestoftheplayers,atatimewhentrainedguardsunderthecommandofgoalkeeping coachWilliamVicky.
The image of the afternoon at the Bernabéu was the gesture by
Cristiano Ronaldo after making it 2-0 from the penalty spot in the 92nd
minute. The Portuguese striker apologised for having been off cue
throughout the encounter.
The big talking point during the Real Madrid-Málaga
game came in the 90th minute, when referee Ayza Gámez mistakenly
awarded 'Los Blancos' a penalty for Weligton's challenge on Gareth Bale,
when in actual fact the Welshman simply lost his footing.
Other than this late blunder, Gámez had a good match, getting most of
the key decisions right, including Real Madrid's disallowed goals.
Real Madrid's Portuguese forward Cristiano Ronaldo celebrates with teammates after scoring during the Spanish league football match Real Madrid vs Malaga
Cristiano Ronaldo celebrates after scoring during the Spanish league football match Real Madrid vs Malaga.
Angel di Maria during the Spanish league football match Real Madrid vs Malaga.
Iker Casillas gestures from the bench before the Spanish league football match Real Madrid vs Malaga.
Gareth Bale looks on from the bench before the Spanish league football match Real Madrid vs Malaga.
Alvaro Morata vies with Malaga's Brazilian defender Weligton during the Spanish league football match Real Madrid vs Malaga.
Cristiano Ronaldo prepares to kick a ball near Malaga's Argentinian goalkeeper Willy Caballero during the Spanish league football match Real Madrid vs Malaga.