News now Real madrid : Network Real Madrid Arabic: great performance provided by Cristiano Ronaldo in Annex qualified for the World Cup in Brazil open to talk again about the winner of the Ballon d'Or, put presenter Punto Pelleta Josep Pedrol question is with injury Messi since last year and Allkab Ribery last season, you should win Cristiano Ronaldo Ballon d 'Or?
Roberto Morales: Cristiano does not have a partner help him, Ronaldo should win the Golden Ball not only for his with the Portuguese national team against Sweden.Carme Barcelo: In recent months, the Cristiano wonderful and proves that he is a great player, but the Ballon d'Or should go to Macy's because Cristiano did not win that title this year.Sentinel Argentine Gatti: Leo Messi knows that Ronaldo is now looming on the horizon, and I'm sure that Del Bosque also voted for the Portuguese, to know why Valdano did not admit what he was doing Cristiano which make it the second after Messi injured , now Crecytano the best and there is no debate.Press the French newspaper L 'Equipe Frederick Hirmil: FIFA announced the extension of the vote in the later period of this resolution Are سينفع the Cristiano? Certainly not because 80% of Alosot of got to FIFA and now will only change in recent Alosot that did not arrive until now, I know that there are many of leniency in terms of the date of receipt but I think that sounds This extension Sagier the lot.Jose Luis Sanchez: Messi put that he did not reach the level of Cristiano at the moment and this insulted him, has become a campaign of preventive Crecytano and reduce the level of Messi to win the Ballon d'Or was the exploitation permits Blatter in favor
Voice then says Roberto Morales said: that argument did not work titles, when he won Iniesta and Xavi World Cup, said that the award went to the best and should win by Liu, now say that the award win trophies won! ! .The journalist Hermel returned to speak again and said: Cristiano whenever the unit played a game score three goals.Journalist Lopez Siro: There are campaigns for Macy's in order to win the prize, even Blatter went on to say the words that supports the Argentine to win the Ballon d'Or, however, the Ronaldo Aimah if Avaz or not, we know we that in recent years there are two golden balls did not deserve Messi win.
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